Saturday, December 24, 2011


The holiday season is upon us, and here at STTW want to wish all of you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays! May your  travels be swift and safe, and your gifts be bountiful, but let the time be filled with love and happiness with Family and Friends.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Your wallet says a lot about you. The wallet featured on the left is my wallet. I have had this wallet for years now... and it has definitely stood the test of time.

You could always have a simple card holder and a money clip, but then you are carrying two things, when one will do.

Aside from this wallet being of amazing quality, it is quite the conversation starter. Any time I go to pay for something and have to pull that out, instant shock and awe from the cashier.

There are TONS of brand name wallets and card holders out there you could get, but why bother when something like this is out there?

Direct from the website ,  "The wallet you are looking at is 100% Italian leather, not some of that cheap ass dollar store "genuine leather", it is a solid leather wallet that will stand the test of time. There is 8 inside slots that can hold business cards or credit cards. A plastic window area for your license or Jules' calling card plus 2 areas to store all that cash. The wallets are a brown color with black embroidery."

Not only are they fast on shipping and great to work with, but the quality of the wallet is amazing. 

**the picture was taken of my own personal wallet, on my phone. The information about the wallet included in the "" was taken directly from Badmofo Wallets and an email was sent to them.**

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Every man should carry a knife. Gibbs' rule number 9....never go anywhere without a knife. While we all know there are certain places that you cannot actually carry a knife, every man should own one. Now the key is knowing what kind of knife is appropriate for different situations.

For example, you would not head in to your normal 9-5 job, unless you are military or some type of law enforcement, with an Esse Knife.
This Esse 5 is an AMAZING field knife. Not so much for an every day 9-5 carry knife. With features such as :
O.A Length: 10.88"
Blade Length: 5.25"
Maximum thickness: .25"
Weight: 16 ounces (Knife Only)
Finish: Textured Black Powder Coat
Handles: Canvas Micarta w/ Bow Drill Divot
Blade Width: 1.56"
1095 Steel - 57 Rc.
Sabre Grind
Glass Breaker Pommel
Serial Number On Pommel
Standard Equipment: Kyxdex Sheath w/ Belt Clip

This knife has served as a great choice for a number of people as a Survival Knife.

Some other great options include CRKT (Columbia River Knife and Tool). With a great selection of pocket knives, and EDC (Every Day Carry) knives, there are a lot of various options to choose from for your every day carry needs. 

One of the most important things to remember, again, is practicality. While the Esse knife is very functional, it is not practical for the every day office carry in a regular 9-5 office job.

There are hundreds of different knife companies out there making amazing blades every day. CRKT, Spyderco, Leatherman, Esse, Gerber, Ka-Bar, the list goes on and on. What you need to remember is to find what works for YOU. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Interview: Greg Santarsiero of Ice Grill USA

I was lucky enough to be able to interview one of the creative minds behind IGU, Greg Santarsiero, and get some questions answered that have been on my mind as of late.

First and foremost, how are you? All is well, man... Life can be stressful and complicated and it beats you up from time to time, but it is a beautiful fucking journey. I feel like sometimes I'm riding on fumes, grinding it out from day to day, but I catch that second wind and it is electric. A lot of people are really struggling out there right now, and it makes you count your blessings. You see some real shit and it makes you feel like a pussy for every complaining about trivial nonsense. 

What was your inspiration behind the story of Ice Grill, USA? We grew up in Brigantine, NJ an island literally yards offshore of Atlantic City. Our entire lives, and those of our parents and friends, revolved around this hectic, crazy, polarizing, multicultural city built upon the vice of gambling. That place instilled us a strong desire to do something bigger and grow past the city limits... To give our all to being something bigger than our circumstances dictated we should be.

Why the title Ice Grill, USA? Mark (Bernardi, IGU's co-creator) and I were in Park City, Utah promoting our first film a few years back. We noticed that when we passed people on the street, we'd make eye contact with them and they'd look straight down at the ground. We realized that we were inadvertently and unknowingly being aggressive and intimidating people through that subconscious gesture. We realized that it was an ingrained part of who we are, growing up where we did on the East Coast. You tend to size people up in a territorial fashion, and try to not be the first to look away, even if you don't mean to do it. That "ice grill" style of cold stare is part and parcel of the Atlantic City experience. Some folks are from Small Town, USA or Any Town, USA. We happen to be from Ice Grill, USA.  

Do you see some of yourself in any of the characters? Sure. Auggie (played by Connor Fox) was semi-autobiographical for both Mark and I. His character embodies the desire to hold on to your moral code and your virtues all the while doing whatever it takes to better your station in life. I spent 4+ years in my early twenties working as a bouncer and a security supervisor at a big club in AC. When you're in that world, you have to figure out how to negotiate that landscape, get ahead, mingle with every walk of life and keep your head on straight... All the while staying true to yourself and watching the backs of those you care about. That job represented the transition from childhood to manhood for me personally. It underscored the issue of class and how important our socio-economic standing is in dictating our future and the access we each have to the American Dream. The character of Auggie Logan is completely infused with those aspirational, working class sentiments. 

Were most of the actors local, or did you have to go far to find people just right for the roles that you were looking to fill? We cast IGU largely out of the greater Jersey area, including NYC and Philly. But early in the process, we were so particular about the parts being filled by the right people. That is why the ensemble is what it is--Connor, Denise Ramirez, Ty Noble, Michael Angelo Ortiz, Los Jones, Ray McKnight, Rory Dunwoody, Kevin Interdonato, Mark Kochanowicz, Aaron Mathias... The list goes on and on. So many talented, young, undiscovered actors don't just fall out of the sky. We certainly got lucky, but we scoured the area to find them. Our casting director Kat Hinchey and Weist Barron-Ryan, an amazing old school Hollywood-style agency based in Atlantic City, were amazing assets for us in bringing IGU to life and getting the characters just right. Those guys aren't just actors to us anymore, they're like family. We want to succeed for them and to continue to create vehicles specifically with them in mind. 

How did you balance writing, producing, directing, editing, marketing, and promoting for the film while working a regular full time job? I'd be feigning humility were I to say it was "easy", but in all honesty, there is no greater joy in the world than expending your life force to pursue your dreams. If I have to give up sleep, money, whatever, to get there, so be it. If your dream is important enough to you, then you make the time. That said, I also realize how hard people out there are working right now just to feed their kids and make ends meet. They are the ones who make the world go around and face the most serious challenges everyday and overcome them. They inspire me. 

Is there a story behind Enlightened Party Multimedia? EP was born out of the youthful idealism Mark and I had deciding we were going to get into the business ten plus years ago. That eventually once we broke through we could have the sort of influence that could impact society at large. Maybe even be a viable political third party. Not to the left or right, but above. Give us some time, we'll get there. Rome wasn't built in a day. Nothing great ever was. 

Any projects in the works you can let us in on? We have multiple scripts in the works, ranging on a wide variety of subject matter, but all embedded with our signature style. We plan on breaking ground on something new and epic in 2012. The rest is classified for now, but bet your ass that when the time comes, you'll know. 

Any thoughts on having any projects here in Detroit? We had a chance to show IGU in a small festival last year in Detroit and we loved it. It is a great, real, authentic American city. Definitely the sort of place that we'd strive to add to our creative landscape as our horizons expand in the industry. If folks like those in Detroit can appreciate our shit, then we're doing something right. 

What inspired you to get in to writing/directing? At a young age I knew I had a gift to write, Mark had a similar experience as a kid. Around the time we were in high school we started getting into indie film and had already been hip-hop heads since the '80s, which greatly influences our artistic vision to this day. We thought that the best way to bring our words to life and to share our unique view of the world with others was through the powerful medium of film.  
Are there any inspirational words you can lend to the masses? I'd just tell them to let nothing deter them from pursuing their dreams. Accept no excuses, take no short cuts. Knowing you could've achieved something but weren't willing to make the great effort is truly one of the worst regrets a man must carry. Believe in yourself to the point of arrogance, because there will be days where you're the only one who does. You have but one life to live, so give it everything you've got. Keep the pedal on the floor and fight with all of the force you can muster for as long as you must. When you get there, as you no doubt will, be thankful, stay humble and keep working hard. Take nothing for granted. 

Any people you wanted to thank? Of course. My parents for believing in me and building me into the man I am today. All I want to do is make something special, to give back to them for all they gave up for me. Tara, my fiancee, for being my muse and inspiring me on a constant basis to be the man I strive to be. Mark, one of the most brilliant human beings I've ever met, for sacrificing so much to try to make this daunting dream real. My family and true friends for their support and loyalty. Every hustler out there fighting every day for their rightful piece of the pie. And dudes like you for having my back, supporting my journey and giving me a chance to speak mind. I'm truly and sincerely blessed to have such good people in my life. 

Having been lucky enough to see the film at the festival here in Detroit, and knowing Greg Santarsiero well enough to call him friend and brother, I am blessed to have been a part of this interview. Greg, or G as many of us know him as, is one of those people in life that EVERYONE should get to know, even if just for a minute. He continues to be an inspiration to myself and many others, and will be for a long time to come.

**The above interview is being published with the knowledge and permission of Greg Santarsiero. The above image was taken, with permission, from **

Ice Grill USA

Auggie Logan wants to be "the man" for all the right reasons.

His father is breaking down, his brother is breaking ties, his friends are breaking the law and he's barely breaking even. A working class kid, he sees the merit in a hard day's work, but he knows well enough that hard work doesn't always pay. After all, this is Atlantic City, a place where misery is a company. where monuments are built to honor sin and where vice is the primary industry.

In Ice Grill USA, Auggie Logan looks to bring back hope to people who can't afford the luxury of optimism. Much like Claudia, the apple of his eye, he knows a brighter future is out there for the taking, hanging precariously on the brink of oblivion. Seeking to get the girl and save his loved ones without losing his soul, Auggie finds out what price must be paid to get a taste of a better life.

Written and directed by award winning filmmakers that lived it themselves, IGU gives voice to the people that power Atlantic City machine. Santarsiero and Bernardi have worked in the casinos, have lost friends to the drug game, and have seen family members caught up in the perils of addiction. This real world authenticity, combined with a standout ensemble performance, weaves a vivid tapestry depicting life on the New Jersey margins. An aspirational tale born of desperation, IGU serves as an ode to all of the good folks forced to choose between the life they live and the life of their dreams.
**The above was taken direct from the back of the DVD case with permission from GSantersiero**

This movie is the realest of the real. Everyone always thinks of AC as the place to go on the East Coast for their slice of Vegas. Little do they know the hardships that befall the locals that live there, day in and day out. Hollywood has run out of ideas, that much is clear by movies like BATTLESHIP. I mean, really? Nah, I'll take movies that have real substance and have a real message, like IGU.

Ice Grill USA is a movie that should be a staple to any real movie lover, and any real blue collar worker. We all have dreams and aspirations, and IGU dares to explore the various paths that could be taken by 1 man, in that beautiful city, Atlantic City.

One of the few movies that you can stream straight from their website, and purchase right from it as well. Wanna know more? Find out for yourself at

Not enough for ya? check back tomorrow for an exclusive interview with Greg Santarsiero.

**The above image was taken with permission by Greg Santarsiero from **

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Just about everyone knows the name of Leatherman. Founded in 1983 by Tim Leatherman, the company has long dominated the game of multi-tools, becoming a household name early on.

The Leatherman Wave® is currently the most popular leatherman ever. Varying its use from boating, camping, fishing, hunting, emergency situations, and various trade crafts. With one use, you can tell why. 

The Wave itself, along with all of their other products, is designed for maximum effectiveness and usefulness along with lasting durability kept in the forefront. Let's be honest, who would ever want a multi-tool that breaks after a few uses? 

Boasting 17 tools, as well as 2 extra bits, it has the best value for what you are looking to get out of any Leatherman product.

Taken from their site, "The Leatherman Wave multi-tool is hands down our most popular model, made famous by its outside-accessible blades that can be deployed with just one hand. When we redesigned it in 2004, we gave the new Wave larger knives, stronger pliers, longer wire cutters, and all-locking blades. Perfect for any job, adventure, or everyday task, the Wave multi-tool is an international best-seller."

The exact specs for the tool are as follows:

  • Needlenose Pliers
  • Regular Pliers
  • Wire Cutters
  • Hard-wire Cutters
  • 420HC Knife
  • 420HC Serrated Knife
  • Saw
  • Scissors
  • Wood/Metal File
  • Diamond-coated File
  • Large Bit Driver
  • Small Bit Driver
  • Medium Screwdriver
  • Ruler (8 inch/19 cm)
  • Bottle Opener
  • Can Opener
  • Wire Stripper
  • Lanyard Ring
  • 100% Stainless Steel
  • All Locking Blades and Tools
  • Leather or Nylon Sheath
  • Stainless Steel Handles
  • Black Oxide Version Available
  • 25-year Warranty
  • BIT KIT: Phillips #1-2 and Screwdriver 3/16", Phillips Eyeglass Screwdriver and Flat Tip
  • 4 in | 10 cm (Closed)
  • 8.5 oz | 241 g (Weight)
  • 2.9 in | 7.37 cm (Blade Length)

With all of those tools, it is quite easy to see why this is the best selling multi-tool!

Along with making the Leatherman tools, the company was just awarded the 2011 Oregon Healthiest Employer Award. Additionally, they are known for sending their products to disaster relief efforts around the globe, including Haiti, Japan, and in Georgia (US). 

Simply put, if you want a reliable, American made product that has stood the test of time, Leatherman is the way to go.

**Information was obtained from including product info, company history, and disaster relief efforts.**

Things to come

Just a quick heads up on some things to come for the blog.

I plan on reviewing a VAST amount of products, movies, music, and vehicles.. some I own, some I do not. I plan on doing interviews with a lot of the manufacturers/producers/owners... and bringing some fun in to the mix as well.

thanks for sticking it out with me.


Monday, November 28, 2011


I could, literally, go on about paracord for hours on end... Paracord (parachute cord) has been used by military personnel over the years as well as by survival enthusiasts. There are thousands of different knots out there that you can tie with paracord. The most common knot is the Soloman Bar, also known as a Cobra Stitch. The picture on the left features a 3 strand weave with an addition. After speaking with Kevin at The Paracordist (, he has made the BSB Fire Making Survival Bracelet, pictured here.

The craftsmanship that goes in to this bracelet is just amazing. You can see the care and dedication he has put in to the design and practicality of the bracelet.

Taken directly from is the following description:

Bracelet weave uses about 25% more cord than a cobra stitch of the same length (unless of course you use cobra back and forth until you have an absurd thick and uncomfy bracelet)'
  • Single cord construction, easily unravel
  • 3/8" diameter firesteel cut to 1" acts as button for loop closure
  • I.D. plate is made by my friend Bucketosudz from Artisan Attributes, specifically for this creation. Plate has square ground edges which double as effective scraper for the fireseel.
  • I.D. plate can be engraved or decorated. I'm thinking I.D. info or critical medical info.
  • Single or double thread of jute runs through top of bracelet (8"-16") it is only on top so not uncomfy to the wrist. Removable for tinder.
The entire design just screams Survival. 

There are a few main sources in addition to Kevin that I go to for help on a regular basis. Stormdrane, , has an unbelievable archive of paracord projects where you could easily lose an entire day just researching projects listed on his site. Along with his great descriptions for each project, he usually attaches video instruction as well. 

The other main source for any of my paracord projects is JD at . JD not only has a whole slew of information listed at his site, he has a youtube page dedicated to the demonstration for each of his knots found here,
In addition to his website and his youtube channel, JD has a book out called Decorative Fusion Knots. I own this book and can tell you that is has been unbelievably helpful in many of my own projects and I highly recommend this for anyone that likes to do any sort of work with paracord.

Many people are seen wearing paracord bracelets, usually a cobra weave, and do not realize the full practicality of what they are wearing. 550 Paracord can be found at just about any military surplus store, or at a lot of outdoor stores, like Moosejaw or REI. You just have to take the time to sit down and actually do the work. and in the end, you will realize how awesome and functional 550 paracord really is.

**The image at the top of the article was used with permission from Kevin @ . **

Base Camp X Journal

A while back, I found an article written about the Base Camp X Legacy Journal. As I was beginning my preparations for my motorcycle trip from Detroit to Las Vegas, I knew I wanted to document my journey and what better way than with the BCX Legacy Journal.

Now, the entire journal is hand made... This was taken directly from the site, "The BCX Legacy Journal is 100% handmade and hand stitched – even the paper is entirely made by hand."  The attention to detail in each and every one of these journals is absolutely amazing. Not only is the detail amazing, but the owner Graeme is such a great guy to work with through the ordering process. 

Not only does BCX make the journal by hand, they make a whole range of Axes and Hammers. Both hand made, and STUNNING in quality.

Bottom line, if you want high quality, hand made journal that isn't your run of the mill mole skin, and want to be as cool as Indian Jones while keeping your notes, get this....NOW.

**The above image was taken with my phone, while on my road trip. I am also waiting to hear back from Graeme about getting an interview for the site done and publishing that.**

Animal Pak

So you work out, and you watch what you eat, but if you aren't feeding your body with the proper vitamins to help boost you along the way it is all for naught. Animal Pak boasts all of the essential vitamins for any serious lifter.

Animal Pak has been around since 1983, and the Pak itself has been the longest multivitamin in supplement history. Animal has a whole array of supplements, which you can find at as well as . But the guys there have taken it a step further, they created a forum for the general public to be able to talk with ANY of their pro's and have frequent promo's for products. That can be found at

Having taken Animal Pak myself for 9 years now, I can tell you firsthand that this product WORKS. The staff there are MORE than knowledgable as they not only work for Animal, but live this day in and day out, many of them competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders themselves.

So if you fancy yourself a lifter, and aren't taking Pak....what is stopping you?

**Above image used with permission by Animal and can be found at**