Monday, November 28, 2011

Animal Pak

So you work out, and you watch what you eat, but if you aren't feeding your body with the proper vitamins to help boost you along the way it is all for naught. Animal Pak boasts all of the essential vitamins for any serious lifter.

Animal Pak has been around since 1983, and the Pak itself has been the longest multivitamin in supplement history. Animal has a whole array of supplements, which you can find at as well as . But the guys there have taken it a step further, they created a forum for the general public to be able to talk with ANY of their pro's and have frequent promo's for products. That can be found at

Having taken Animal Pak myself for 9 years now, I can tell you firsthand that this product WORKS. The staff there are MORE than knowledgable as they not only work for Animal, but live this day in and day out, many of them competitive powerlifters and bodybuilders themselves.

So if you fancy yourself a lifter, and aren't taking Pak....what is stopping you?

**Above image used with permission by Animal and can be found at**

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